Watch Traitor's Heart online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Traitor's Heart film online for free. The cinema Traitor's Heart has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the web. Nick Brody, helicopter engineer, husband and father, is about to find out that some things are better left forgotten in this explosive action-thriller. An amnesia victim for the past five years, he's struggled to regain his seemingly ordinary life that was completely wiped from his memory or so he thought. With a vicious killer now hot on his trail, Nick goes on the run, where he must face the dark, dangerous secrets of his past. However painful, it is up to Nick to uncover the awful truth in order to save himself and his family.

Year: 1999
Genre : Action
Runtime: 91 minutes
Release Date: 1999-11-23
Actors : Bryan Genesse, Kimberley Kates, Ron Smerczak, Clive Scott, Gordon Mulholland