Watch Juror 8 online for free at HD quality, full-length movie. Watch Juror 8 film online for free. The movie Juror 8 has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the web. On the day of the 1st Citizen Participation Trial, all media’s attention is focused on this very first jury trial in Korea’s juridical history. Randomly selected 8 citizens are called up to rule a matricide case which is almost determined with conclusive evidences. While the judge waits for the 8 juries’ unanimous vote for “Guilty” to determine the conviction, these way-too-passionate juries start to overturn the case raising questions that had never been asked in the court…

Year: 2019
Genre : Drama
Runtime: 114 minutes
Release Date: 2019-05-15
Actors : Moon So-ri, Park Hyung-sik, Baek Soo-jang, Kim Mi-kyoung, Yoon Kyung-ho