Watch The Magic Touch online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch The Magic Touch cinema online for free. The movie The Magic Touch has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this movie online. Watch this on the blog. Michael Hui plays a fortuneteller who indeed knows nothing about fortune telling, in other words, who makes a living on cheating. Leon Lai stars as an investigator from the Inland Revenue Department to check against Hui's tax evasion. But this pseudo- fortuneteller acquires the supernatural ability to predict future events all of a sudden, and to our surprise he even collaborates with the tax investigator who is supposed to be his enemy! In an unpredictable story about the prediction of future happenings, Micheal Hui, Leon Lai, and Dayo Wong unfold a lot of surprises to amuse the audience from start to finish!

Year: 1992
Genre : Comedy
Runtime: 100 minutes
Release Date: 1992-01-24
Actors : Michael Hui, Leon Lai, Ricky Hui, Winnie Lau Siu-Wai, Sunny Fang Kang